Sunday, 19 April 2020

Orient Place Blog's 2nd Anniversary

Happy birthday, blog! You're now two years old. Another year has passed. And while these are indeed complicated times we live in, Coronavirus and all, there are enough good things we can look back on – and look forward to.

So what has happened since we celebrated our first anniversary? First, some numbers… we've had more than 80,000 visits on the blog's second year, more than triple the traffic we had on the first year. That's fantastic and I thank all the blog's followers who keep coming back, commenting, sharing, liking – or just reading quietly which is just as great!

There was certainly no shortage of news and topics to write about, with more than 40 blog posts (almost once a week) published. Shortly after the first anniversary, we began reviewing new Orient models, many of which thanks to Orient Europe supplying us with the goodies. This proved to be some of the blog's most popular content, with the review of the Kamasu maintaining its status as our most-read hands-on review. However, the first place in the popularity contest goes to the announcement of the Orient Star Divers.

Orient Place Blog is also accompanied by an Instagram account (though it is not 100% dedicated to Orient or watches. But that's part of what makes an IG account interesting, isn't it…). You are most welcome to follow it if you're not doing so already! Here's a little collage that was posted earlier this year, a look back at some of our 2019 Instagram photos.

And of course, the big theme of this year for Orient is the brand's 70th anniversary. We've seen some cool releases take place under this theme, such as the re-issue of the King Diver and the Retro-future Camera. While new releases are currently taking a short break, we're probably going to see more new stuff later in 2020.

What next? Still no shortage of content in sight! We'll be reviewing new and old watches, discuss more topics from the brand's history, and keep you updated with any new models and announcements. Is there anything else you would like to see on the blog? Any particular models or topics you think the blog should cover, or perhaps – any content of your own you wish to share with us? Your feedback would be highly appreciated, so keep commenting, here or on our Facebook page, and keep following Orient Place blog!


  1. Congratulations on your anniversary and more to come! Keep up the great work and always looking forward to your new posts!

  2. Congrats Mr Orient! I just found your blog and I'm looking forward to future posts here and on WUS f410.

    1. Hi, thanks for joining - I hope you will enjoy the content here!
